Margaret recommends “Infinity” by Don Williams


In a time when we’re told everything is falling apart, I look around and see that so many things just quietly endure: steadfast love. Sunsets and moonrises. The everyday work of those holding a fragmenting society and planet together. Amidst the noise and clatter and speed of our lives, that which continually creates miracles every day seems–all too often–to go unsung, unnoticed.

Yesterday at 4:30 PM, the day after Daylight Savings Time ended, an almost-full moon rose over Lake Michigan to the east as the sun set over the cornfields and cow pastures to the west. The moon reflected lavender against the cloudburst it faced, a few wisps of purple clouds adorning it like silk scarves.

The night before, I had heard Don Williams’ song “Infinity” for the first time on Song Chest Radio, a monthly music show hosted by Justin Vernon of Bon Iver. Afterward, Justin read Mary Oliver’s poem, “Wild Geese.” This morning, a rare “beaver blood moon” total lunar eclipse. Don Williams’ song captures the miracles all around and above us:

“Who built the pyramids?
Do aliens exist?
Where does God come from?
One more phenomenon
But if you know, how strong my love is
And your heart, and mine can comprehend
Just how long, I'm gonna feel like this
Then you'll know, what infinity is”

How long has it been since you’ve heard aliens, the pyramids, God, and love mentioned all in one song? May Williams’ simple message be the balm that our 2022 needed. As I listen to the layered background instrumentals, it strikes me that no one instrument dominates. They subtly work in harmony to complement the understated beauty of the arrangement, like ego does when it takes a backseat to love and infinite miracles.

Margaret King enjoys penning poetry and flash fic. She grew up playing the violin and has loved music for as long as she can remember, bombarding her friends with homemade playlists even today. Don Williams' "Infinity" will probably appear on the next batch. She teaches tai chi in Wisconsin, and is the author of the poetry collection, Isthmus.




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